Bidding on Google’s Product Listing Ads and Why it’s Important!

By May 7, 2013August 20th, 2019Google Shopping

Why is it important for you to bid on Google’s Product Listings Ads?

Google ShoppingThere was a time when listing products on Google was free, and bidding wasn’t involved.  While many people still pine for those days, in reality, not being able to bid meant that you had far less control than you do now in Google Shopping.

Before Google introduced Product Listing Ad (PLA) bidding, you had absolutely no control on where Google showed your products. And, if you had a product that was performing extremely well, there was little you could do to give it the level of exposure you’d want. You were at the mercy of Google’s algorithms.

However, now with bidding, you have much more control over your Product Listing Ads. What this means is you can take a look at all of your products, and assess the bids for each one. Then, you can assess how each product is converting. Armed with this knowledge you can actually adjust your bidding accordingly.

This gives you far more control over your own products than ever before.

Some drawbacks to bidding on Google’s Product Listing Ads

Of course, with anything new and different, there’ll be some drawbacks and opposition. Inexperience is one of the biggest drawbacks. With new control and power, the potential to be a strong competitor is there; however, if you’re a small business or merchant without the experience of, for example, data feeds, you may find yourself in over your head.

Properly assessing the performance of your products, and making decisions accordingly, is a complex task for anyone, particularly someone not familiar with this type of setting. You may be inclined to forego the whole affair, concerned about the amount of time and resources it’s consuming.

However, making the most of your product listing ads can absolutely make or break your business. In reality you cannot afford to avoid taking control over your product listing ad bids. While this may seem like a burden to you, it doesn’t have to be. Companies such as OperationROI make it their business to help you sift through the data to maximize profits without wasting valuable time and resources. Learn more by calling our experts at 1-888-277-5429 or filling out our contact form.


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