New To Facebook Ads: Show Multiple Products To Your Audiences

By April 17, 2017April 25th, 2017Facebook
New in Facebook Ads: Showing Multiple Products to Your Audiences

Showcase Multiple Products In Facebook Ads

This past December, Facebook Ads opted to test a new ad unit that would allow retailers to showcase multiple products in a single ad that appears in users’ news feeds.

International brands like Michael Kors and Lowes were among the first retailers to test out the ad unit.

What Can Retailers Expect From This New Ad Unit Being Tested?

The new ad combines a large main image or video with a smaller, related product image below. When users click a “MORE” button, they’ll be shown more products that consume their entire screen. At the bottom of the screen, retailers can add an additional button that guides users toward the retailer’s website.

Using this new Facebook ad unit is pretty similar to the existing dynamic ads, in that retailers have to upload their product catalog to Facebook in order to use the ads.

We can only assume, then, that a retailer would then set rules to enable Facebook to automatically target customers with ads featuring the products that they are most likely to be interested in.

After our careful examination of these new ad units, we’ve concluded that they do a good job marrying the two main objectives behind most of your ads: building brand awareness and driving a direct response.

In early testing, Michael Kors created an ad that featured its fall “must-haves” products, where the shopper could tap to see additional products. A spokesman at Michael Kors stated that, to date, the ads have reduced the company’s cost-per-conversion by 79%.

These new ad units are actually not too different from Google’s Showcase Shopping ads, where retailers pay to select the images Google displays in paid search results for specific search queries or keywords. When consumers click on the image, Google takes them to a page with additional product information.

When these new ad units are available to a wider audience, how will you know how to incorporate them into your Facebook marketing strategy?

Dedicated Facebook Advertising Team

OperationROI can help. We have a team specifically dedicated to Facebook advertising who can help you develop and execute a strategy that reduces your cost-per-conversion and increases qualified leads to your site.

Call us today at 1-888-277-5429 – or by filling out our contact form – to learn more about how we can help you.

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