Tips For Improving Your Amazon Marketplace Performance with Amazon Sponsored Products
In the two years since the revamping of its targeting capabilities, Amazon Sponsored Products has become an incredible source for driving profits and improving Marketplace performance. Since it’s clear that the system is working, we wanted to share with you how you can make it work for you.
This little bulleted guide should help you feel more confident as you take on Sponsored Products on your quest to making the most out of your Marketplace performance.
- Suggested bids:
Amazon provides suggested bits, and while it provides some insight into the competition surrounding a specific target, we don’t suggest you take much stock into it as you make your decisions. - The level of competition:
Our data suggests that verticals that deal with commodities (and, specifically, Home goods) has the most competition. - Organic ranking:
We’ve undoubtedly seen Sponsored Product’s impact on organic ranking, but we warn that it’s not an immediate change. - Knowing the algorithms:
Amazon Sponsored Products doesn’t feature quality score. As a result, it’s important to know that what determines which ads are shown and in which order is the sellers’ track record and the sellers’ history, alongside bid levels. - Manual campaigns:
Manual campaigns are served on keywords, rather than the relevancy of your product content. - Auto campaign:
Let’s say that you have an auto campaign, and you see terms in your report with a good amount of impressions, but minimal clicks. What should you do? Well, you should remove those terms from your listing because the product may not be relevant for that search term. - Splicing out orders:
Did you know you can splice out orders (and order ID’s) for orders that came through sponsored ads only in Seller Central? All you have to do is run a pivot table on the campaign performance report found in advertising reports. - Low CTR rates:
Just because you have low CTR rates for keywords in your manual campaigns, doesn’t mean Amazon will punish you. No worries there. - Amazon vendors vs. Amazon sellers:
Just in case you didn’t know the difference, Amazon sellers sell on the Amazon Marketplace (directly to consumers) while Amazon vendors sell inventory to Amazon. - Running ads even with impressive SERP results:
Many people wonder if you should still run ads, even if your product is at or near the top of the SERP. That’s an easy one – YES! - Success in a competitive field:
How can you run successful ads in a highly competitive field? We suggest you monitor campaigns on a tri-weekly basis, and set advertising budgets so that you don’t overspend. We also strongly encourage you to avoid generic search terms that will waste both your time and money.
Take Your Sponsored Products To The Next Level
The Amazon Marketplace is a treasure trove for online retailers – Amazon is the place for consumers to turn to when they’re ready to make a conversion. Mastering your Sponsored Products strategy is a surefire way to start enjoying the types of return on investment in Amazon that the top-tier sellers enjoy.
OperationROI can help you get there. Contact us today at 1-888-277-5429 (or by filling out our contact form) to learn more about what we can do for your Amazon strategy.
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