Most sellers and vendors want to figure out how to get better reviews on Amazon. Reviews can seriously impact your sales. In the world of online shopping, they are extremely valuable for building trust and…
Most sellers and vendors want to figure out how to get better reviews on Amazon. Reviews can seriously impact your sales. In the world of online shopping, they are extremely valuable for building trust and…
Amazon And Their Quest For Honest Reviews Amazon has announced it will no longer permit free or discounted products in exchange for reviews (unless these incentivized reviews are facilitated through the Amazon Vine program). “These…
Businesses Violate Policies By Creating Fake Amazon Reviews If you needed any proof of Amazon’s influence on our landscape (and I’m sure you don’t!), just turn to the publicity surrounding the validity (or lack thereof) of…
Google Introduces New Ranking Format For Top-Rated Products Shoppers love reading product and seller reviews. In fact, they rely on this type of information in order to decide if a product or brand is worth…
Learn How To Evolve Your Marketing Initiatives for Changing Consumers’ Behaviors A lot has changed since the “birth” of the Internet. With millions upon millions of pages flooding the web, consumers have an endless choice of places to…