The internet has greatly changed how everyday consumers conduct business. Fewer people are going to brick and mortar stores, and more individuals are purchasing items online. According to data published by comScore, 51 percent of…
The internet has greatly changed how everyday consumers conduct business. Fewer people are going to brick and mortar stores, and more individuals are purchasing items online. According to data published by comScore, 51 percent of…
Alibaba Reports Biggest Growth Since IPO Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. recently reported that its revenue from April – June increased 59% over the same period last year, marking the fastest growth rate…
CSEs or Marketplaces – What’s the difference? When you advertise your products, what do you use? Do you use comparison shopping engines (CSEs)? Do you use Marketplaces? Are you confused by the question because you thought…
Amazon Product Ads and Marketplace Listings Aren’t So Different Anymore With the news earlier this year that Amazon Product Ads may appear on listing pages with Amazon Marketplace Listings, retailers now have a far more…
Newegg Marketplace, A Loyal Following, and Your Ecommerce Portfolio Newegg makes a few claims that seem mighty impressive to any e-merchant. For starters, they claim more than 22 million loyal customers – loyal being just…
Rakuten.com Shopping – The Former Buy.com Keep things simple. Be connected. Be human. These were behind the redesign of Buy.com into Rakuten.com Shopping earlier this year. Rakuten Shopping is the US arm of the Japanese-based…